Adam Shuffler
Benton Blount
Nate Howell
Ricky Rodriguez
Wes Brown

The Beginning (1999 -2002)

In 1999, the group 7-miles was formed. The band name at the time, "Encomium", meant a warm high praise. The band served through youth rallies and other activities with praise and worship. The night after the first practice together, the group was asked to play at a local youth event.

In the following year, the Lord had already began to shape the group into more than just a prasie and worship band. They were offered a spot to open for Avalon in Hickory NC, for an event called Youth Blast . Tickets were sold and the time came for the concert, but due to illness, Avalon was not able to attend. Close to 5000 people filled the stadium and Encomium was forced to mature very rapidly. After the concert, the band knew that they were in for a whole new world in the next several months. With encouragement from a local Pastor(Micheal Beshears), who put on Youth Blast, The band recorded its first album titled "The Journey". There was an imediate reaction to the album which sent the group to new areas to share the gospel of christ. 12 months later, the group began to work on their next album. With this album came alot of changes. In Nashville, the performed a showcase for several record labels, management copmanies and agents. From the showcase, Encomium was asked to join the summer jam tour with well know groups New Song, Rachael Lampa, True Vibe, Brothers Keeper, Freedie Colloca, and Monday Morning. The group was asked to change its name because it as hard to pronounce. The new name of the group became 7-miles. This came from the passage of scripture Luke 24:13, which told the story of the road to Emmaus. This name was eaiser to say and actually fit the bands mission to help people to realize the Jesus is right here with us all. The tour was a successful Journey for the group as they learned about life on the road as well as how to grow in Christ through music. In a bus with no beds and no luxuries, they traveled to fifteen states and twenty cities in six weeks! Hundreds of people gave their lives to the Lord through Summer Jam and "7-miles" was blessed to be a part.

Since their return, they are eager to share what the Lord has shown them with others. Playing as much as possible, 7-miles wants to share with whoever will listen. Whether 10000 or 5, there mission is the same. To proclaim the name of Jesus and show people that it can be fun to b e a christian!

The group is comprised of seven members. Alan Shuffler(guitar), began the vision of the group be starting a praise and worship team at his church. Haven Street(Vocals) joined him and for several months they led worship for the church on Wednesday nights. It wasnt until later, that Wes Brown(guitar), Steve Shuffler(Drums), and Benton Blount(Vocals, Guitar), joined the group. Several other people were in the group at the time also. Joe Ellis(guitar) was the brains behind the band name Encomium. Tim Little(Bass), was the Music Pastor at the church. He guided the band and spiritually led the group in devotions and wisdom. Several months after the group was formed the played at an area church and met their piano man Zack Lenz. Since then, both Joe Ellis and Tim Little have been called into other areas of ministry but their guidance still plays as a big factor in the life of the band. By the summer of 2002, Adam Stafford(Bass) was the newest addition to the band, and has already blended right in as one of of the "guys"


Thus far, there has been a lot going on for 7 Miles. They have done concerts with top name Christian recording artists such as Rachael Lampa, Newsong, Brother's Keeper, and The Katinas. Membership has changed as well. Haven decided to continue school and is currently not singing with the band. Zack lenz also is pursuing higher education. We wish Haven and Zack the best! New on the scene is drummer Nate Howell and guitarist Ricky Rodriguez. The band just recently released a new project called Everything Changes.